This little lady came to me at 7 weeks old, a lot older than I like to photograph only because they are a lot more wakeful. Well this little lady certainly proved my theories wrong. When I arrived she had just woken from a big sleep, but only a couple of minutes lying snug and warm on my beanbag and hey presto...... she was sound asleep again. In fact so sound asleep that Mum was able to undress her without her hardly even stirring! What a baby! But as Mum had warned - as long as you don't take her clothes off over her head, she will stay dozing happily. So our undoing was trying to put a special bonnet on her....... she definitely doesn't like things on her head! LOL
I love the little details.........
She has such beautiful skin and very dark eyebrows and lashes.
..... and back awake again!